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Rutger Bremer6/9/16 12:00 AM3 min read

5 Event tips: get the most out of your events

As an event manager, you know exactly how to organise events. You’ve got your event website, mailing and registrations all neatly in place. But how can you upgrade your event even more? The following 5 event tips will help you achieve even better results.

1.Stay top of mind

In most cases, the save-the-date email and the actual event date are several months apart. If you don’t stay top of mind, you run the risk that your busy invitee will forget about the event. Try to avoid this by sending regular emails with interesting event updates and invite your contacts to add the event website as an app to their home screen. Now they will be reminded of the event every day!

2. Consider an SMS campaign

Sending an SMS to your visitors on the day of the event can lead to lower no-show. Sending a message like “We are looking forward to welcoming you at 10 am! Best parking for you is field M11”, will increase the engagement of your visitor. As an extra service, you can include a deep link to the event website in your message, so your visitor does not have to open navigation. You now take away any final doubt a visitor might have, which results in a less no shows.

3. Make smart use of your statistics 

Statistics give you valuable information in the run-up to your event - and afterwards they’ll tell you exactly how you did. Using Momice, you can view statistics for each module separately:

  • Registration statistics: How many contacts were invited, and how many did register/cancel the invitation.

  • Email statistics: You can view the click-through rates (CTR) and open rates of each campaign. Moreover, you can determine bounced emails - so you can update your database at any time. Read more about how to send successful emails.

  • Website statistics: The total number of website visits, most viewed pages and the use of the event website per device are indicated.

  • Survey statistics: For each survey, the number of respondents, completion rate and the average time to completion are revealed. 

Using Momice, you can easily generate a professional report (Excel or PDF), containing all these statistics. This makes it easy to present your results to your colleagues or manager.

4. Measure enthusiasm with NPS

Which visitors are most critical and who are your biggest fans? The Net Promotor Score (NPS) measures the enthusiasm of your visitors. You can measure NPS with one single question: “To what extent would you recommend this event to a friend or colleague?” This question is included as a standard option in the Momice Survey Module. Your NPS score will be automatically calculated. Download our white paper on online surveys to learn more about this topic!

5. Update your contact database

In the registration form, you ask your invitee to fill in some data; e.g. phone number, email address etc. The data that is entered, is always up-to-date. This allows you to update your own data in your CRM system - simply export your Momice data, and import it into your CRM.

Momice will help you indicate changes: When you import data from your CRM, the information is pre-filled in the form. In case an invitee changes the data, Momice will highlight these fields in your overview. Now you can easily update your CRM contacts.

Bonus: Event hacks

Hack #1: Duplicate

When organising a similar event, duplicate the previous one in Momice. All settings, texts and images are duplicated - the only thing you have to do is check if all is still valid, and what needs to be adjusted. This saves you a lot of time!

Hack #2: Create a sense of urgency

Communicate the number of available places for your event or a specific workshop to your invitees. Indicating limited capacity makes them more eager to sign up!

Hack #3: Save-the-date for your next event

In the wrap-up of your event, inform your visitors about the next edition. By including the event website of your next event, you enable them to block the date in their agendas.


By finding more effective ways to communicate with your target audience, you stay top of mind. And by using statistics and contact data in a smart way, you make your communication meet the needs of your visitors. Now your events become even more relevant  - and your visitors will make sure they will not miss a single one!

Interested in more event tips & tricks? Read our blog on handy event management tools here or "You organise more events than you think!"


Download the event registratie white paper