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Aaron Mirck7/18/19 3:24 PM3 min read

Unique Finance: Seminars contribute to our strategic goals

Unique Finance organises various seminars. Among them is a seminar for financials to attain mandatory PE points. Claudia Westerhof, Senior Business Consultant Finance, explains how these seminars contribute to the strategic goals and growth of the organisation. And she shares some tips to successfully organise events.

Seminars for PE points, networking and content

In order to keep their title, qualified financials must obtain yearly PE points. These PE points can be attained during seminars, that are organised by - among others - Unique Finance. “Acquiring these PE points is mandatory. Besides, the seminars also offer an opportunity for networking and gaining knowledge about current topics. Unique Finance is one of the few market parties that can grant PE points.”

Networking is very important during the seminars, according to Westerhof. That is why Unique Finance uses Momice for the registration and invitations. “I find the tool very user-friendly. It’s great that you can easily see who did and did not register, and why someone will not attend. For visitors, this makes networking easier. Previously, we worked with attendee lists. Momice offered the opportunity to improve this process.”

How to manage a flawless event registration? Read it in our white paper!

Events as part of the organisational strategy

According to Westerhof, seminars contribute to Unique Finance’s strategic goals. “For existing customers, visiting a knowledge session is interesting, and their attendance strengthens our current network. In addition, our Business Consultants expand their networks through seminars and other meetings. We believe expanding the reach of the organisation offers a solid base for growth.” Not every contact has to lead to new business or a filled vacancy: every new connection contributes to the network, and thus to the future prospect of organisations.

Besides seminars, Unique Finance organises round-table sessions. “After a seminar, attendees often want to have a substantive conversation about a certain topic. We happily offer a platform to those topics and conversations. That is why we organise round-table sessions – where there is room for discussion – a few times per year. For us, it is an opportunity to expand our network.”

A networking organisation uses events

Unique Finance wants to go beyond placing and fulfilling finance projects. “We want to be a networking specialist. Organising seminars, helps us realise this ambition. It also leads to extra interesting meetings for our Business Consultants. That way, we can offer more than the usual service for vacancies and interim projects. Our USP is to be a knowledge partner that wants to connect different parties. We want to share information, as well as offering opportunities to network.”

Not only the seminars of Unique Finance contribute to the network’s expansion, the process of organising them also helps. “For example, we visit the client with the invitation for a seminar in advance. This makes attending the seminar more accessible. After the seminar, we will personally deliver the certificate to the client, and thus create an extra touchpoint. We connect clients with similar challenges, so they can help each other. This way, Unique Finance becomes the linchpin.”

Tips for event professionals

As a bonus, Westerhof shares four tips for other event professionals: 

  • Tip 1: Get to know your attendees' needs
    “People are not just attending seminars for the PE points, networking is equally important. We incorporate this knowledge into our events. We also see that current affairs are considered important. Therefore, we organise seminars about blockchain, cyber security and big data, to name a few.”

  • Tip 2: Let events stand out
    “We continuously look for next-level speakers. The event location has to stand out as well. We organise seminars in Blijdorp [Dutch zoo] now, for example, a great location!”

  • Tip 3: Use content to promote events
    “Smart use of marketing can make a big difference. We filmed our last seminar and posted the video on social media. The content we make, increases exposure. And the exposure leads to interested people approaching us, instead of us approaching them.”

  • Tip 4: Measure the results
    “It is quite unique that we are accredited to organise seminars for PE points. To maintain accredited, we are required to send out surveys after every seminar. Killing two birds with one stone, we also use these surveys to measure the success of our seminars.”


For Unique Finance, seminars are an indispensable part of the corporate strategy. It enables the networking organisation to make new, and strengthen current, connections. Thanks to events, the organisation increases her chances on the market. Momice software helps Unique Finance with that.

In need of inspiration for your event website and invitation? Download our  Lookbook!