Momice blog: tips and tricks from the event industry

How SBS manages their event ‘program’

Written by Marlou Kramer | 7/12/17 8:16 AM

SBS (one of the biggest broadcasting station in the Netherlands) organises 20 events per year on average. This number contains both internal and external events - from yearly presentations to informal drinks, from networking events to press conferences. We spoke to Annoeska Philips, (communication department of SBS) who organised her first Momice event in 2015. This is how Momice helped improving her events.

Excel and PDF are history

Before we started to use Momice, SBS worked with an external registration partner. We discovered that the look and feel of Momice software was definitely more attractive. Both back-end and front-end are more user-friendly. In hindsight, we found that we postponed the automation of the process far too long. Before switching to Momice, our team worked with Excel lists and PDF invitations for many years. We didn’t know what we were missing!

One event overview in Momice

Working with Momice, saves us a lot of time. Moreover, the software helps us to effectively produce more successful events. As an organisation we gained more insight and overview. Per target audience I can see exactly who signed up, and where the no-show is.

By using these insights, we raised the overall number of registrations and at the same time lowered the no-show.  By generating reports after each event, we keep improving ourselves. For example, I learned that it is really important to collect phone numbers (especially in the case of awards) because it leads to a significantly higher number of attendants.

Momice Agency for events

Our event department consists of a team of two - and a couple of helping hands in press communication. To lower the workload, we use Momice Agency for some of our events. Momice helps us create the content and design the event website, registration and mailings. This helps us focus on the event production in the case of bigger events - quite a relief!

“Momice Agency helps us focus on the event production, by outsourcing the event communication .” 

Event website for a premiere

The premiere of “Pirates of the Caribbean - Salazar's Revenge” by Veronica was also organised with Momice. The image for the event website was provided by Disney - and one or our designers worked some magic. The result is stunning! 

Event website for the première of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean - Salazar's Revenge’

Suitable for big and small events

By now, I have also discovered Momice’s added value for smaller events. One of my favourite features: when you organise a similar event, you can easily duplicate it and simply adjust the content with Momice. This makes it really easy to create a new event. I also used it for spontaneous summer drinks last year - when the weather was suddenly very nice.


In short: Momice really contributes to the organisation of successful events, by providing more insights in registration, which help increase the number of registrations and lower the no-show. Because the software is very user-friendly, we use it for smaller events as well. In this year only, SBS organised 15 events with Momice - a number that will only increase in the future.

More inspiration

Want to read more about the experience of Momice users? Read the stories of Sonja Straathof - Amsterdam Marketing, Marjolein van Asperen - Maasstad Ziekenhuis or Nathalie Mangelaar - NK Pitchen. If you want to share your own story with us, please let us know via the contact form!